Sudan Archives

Sudan Archives is a 24-year-old violinist with “too much swag,” as she once sang, but that proportion is serving her quite well, actually. Using little more than strings, a looper, and electronic beats and shimmer, Sudan transposes the bounce and swing of R&B and hip-hop onto a fantastically original sound that could only exist now.

Sudan Archives – Nont for Sale

Sudan Archives – Come Meh Way

Sudan Archives – Paid | Live Plus Près De Toi


We Finally Have a Better Understanding of What Jaden Smith and the MSFTSRep Are All About

MSFTSrep – short for MSFTS republic – could be looked at, in simplest terms, as a creative work force dedicated to supporting and waking up the population of planet earth, through attaining knowledge and personal growth. But even that puts it into a box. Anything that could be put into words puts it in a box, because MSFTSrep is more of an expression rather than an explanation.

Link to shop and music: MSFTsrep


¿Téo? – ER the Faculty (feat. Jaden Smith)

Tyler Cole – BLOW UP YOUR TV!

YoungstaCPT X Maloon TheBoom

Another banger track and video from Yungloon Taliboom ( YoungstaCPT X Maloon TheBoom) of there new album TO BE CONTINUED.

Take a listen

Yungloon Taliboom – Muchas Gracias

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