A homeless skateboarder from South Africa attracts international attention with his effortless style and is invited to travel to the US to skate with pros, Tony Hawk and Kenny Anderson. What does it really take to rise up out of your circumstances and make your place in the world?


A fusion between jazz and touch of punk.
When smooth sound of Hard bop meets the distorted sound of electric guitars,
its like Miles Davies living in Jimi Hemdrix’s electric church & a Mix of 70s
blacksploitation movies, Photograph of Malick Sidibe meets Jamaican rudeboy,
cotton club in NYC, & illegal jazz clubs f south africn township in 50s.
An early use of jazz was an anti-apartheid tool.
Censorship was dramatically increased by the apartheid government,
the beginning of dark times for the jazz community. Nevertheless, jazz has played a vital part in South African culture since its roots.
Cigarette butts, smokey rooms, velvet sofas… soul scenario, this is the vibe of the collection.


 Lets hangout with the one and only Utama Crew. They make it look super easy.

The Cyborg Artist
Tattooing with a Custom Prosthesis

When JC Sheitan Tenet lost his right arm, he didn’t lose his will to make incredible tattoos. In fact, working without an arm gave his work more meaning. Then Tenet met artist Jean-Louis Gonzal, who creates spellbinding “biomechanic” works, and the two brainstormed a remarkable custom prosthetic tattoo machine. The device can pivot 360 degrees and allows Tenet to create abstract designs unlike anyone else.

Taylor McFerrin – The Antidote
feat. Nai Palm

Brainfeeder artist/producer/composer/pianist Taylor McFerrin released a video for his single “The Antidote” featuring the soulful Nia Palm.  Getting animated visuals for arguably one of the best songs on the album is a welcome sight.

Crazy Mashups
of Objects and Animals

Les Créatonautes is a French communication agency. Their speciality is pop culture. They transforms with an incredible talent, daily objects into surreal compositions and animals into dreamy creatures.


Baltimore club is a brash and raucous style of dance music that originated in the city of its name about three decades ago. In 2018, the many of the actual clubs that nurtured the music have shut down, and the genre’s moment in the national spotlight is behind it, but the people who keep it alive are still going.

adidas Skateboarding
presents MAGNUS

“MAGNUS” is the first full-length adidas Skateboarding part by Magnus Bordewick. From his hometown of Oslo, Magnus traveled to Philadelphia, Spain and Taiwan with fellow teammates, Heitor da Silva and Hermann Stene to film the part. Sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Moving Paris

Street dancers of Paris. Passionate and free they express themselves on the streets of Paris, dancing by the emotions, not by the movements they’ve learned.

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