Chron Burgundy
They shot this video on 3 times of cameras a DJI Osmo, DV Camera, yes on actual DV Tape, and then a Canon 5D Art Director, Editing - MAD Filming, Directing - Brad Tapinos
They shot this video on 3 times of cameras a DJI Osmo, DV Camera, yes on actual DV Tape, and then a Canon 5D Art Director, Editing - MAD Filming, Directing - Brad Tapinos
They gave the footage to MAD and said - do something DOPE Art Director, Edit, FX - Pronoia.Africa Director - Inagnob Kenke Styling - Sibongile Ngwenya
They had a whole team filming the festival for tickets and experience, don't know why they didn't want to pick this for the official after-movie. MAD sat through 450 gigs of footage and came up…
MAD's first budget video was done for BOOM Studios, from storyboards done before the shoot for the record label to sourcing and hiring people, from start to finish. Creative Director, Editor, FX - MAD, Director…
MAD did this online Instagram commercial for Pronoia.Africa, he did the whole video from beginning to end. plus the Music by Captn Chris
Chron Burgundy is repping Pronoia.Africa is hard from hearing Purple by Johnny Filter on tape 1 to spitting bars on that track on tape 3 – flowz with it, then shooting this dope video. Pronoia.Africa…
MAD's first scribble video, was done with his left hand and he was right-handed, remember you scribbling frame by frame and there are 25 frames a second. MAD was not part of the shooting of…
So Slege Lee shot this video at Back To The City, South Africa's biggest hip hop festival, Slege was battling the night and just decided to shoot a video at the festival. Jozi's hip hop…
MAD's first music video he did after his accident, he was parallelized on his right side and they said he will never walk again, lost the use of his right hand and he was right-handed…
So MAD and Brand help GinI(Dave) to start Scrambles 4 Money. Brad designed the awesome logo and MAD did all the graphics and edited each battle, they stopped working on it the day MAD got…