Yak Films

YAK FILMS, an international production crew, with there unique style of street-based documentation of the global dance movement. Made a another classic video with the killer sound track as usual.

DJ Lag – ‘Ice Drop’

DJ Lag - 'Ice Drop' The way locations are captured in this video you will never believe that it's Durban South Africa, and just the way they dance and move to the editing of this video is done so great. The animation kinda takes away from the footage and not done in a way that compliment each other

Up Here Kids

This is such a dope graffiti bombing documentary. With such awesome time lapse and really good cinematography. Its a work of art from bombing to filming https://youtu.be/DQSBSbGfyrY Stay Up!!!

DertyKids New Years

So M.A.D (Mark Anthony Duckitt) spent the 2017-2018 New Year with the rap duo the DertyKids at Rezonance festival, throws that don't know Rez Fest is a trance festival. So I know I got you wondering what is a bunch of Hip Hop heads doing at a trance festival, they worked the door with Captn Chris and M.A.D tagged along for the epic adventure and took some awesome photos.

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